The vision for the site is to create a vibrant community that will provide a fantastic lifestyle for the residents with all the conveniences of a market town, excellent transport links and direct access into the countryside.
The overall concept for the site is to create a green sustainable neighbourhood that maximises the opportunities to live with and alongside nature. The structure of the site is formed around a central wetland that runs through the middle of the site increasing opportunities for wildlife and creating a publicly accessible park.
In addition, the wetland will attenuate water from the scheme. A green corridor connects from the north of the site past the school playing fields, across the wetland through to Manor Road Community woodland and the proposed Community Hub.
The Community Hub will have allotments, orchards, play spaces, a sports pitch and opportunities for informal recreation and leisure. Running through the site a pedestrian and cycle path connects through to the proposed primary school in phase 1 and onwards to Welsway Secondary School and Chandag Primary and Junior Schools.
The scheme has been assessed by Building with Nature and achieved the Excellent award.
Building with Nature is the UK’s first green infrastructure benchmark. BwN provide a voluntary framework of quality standards, an assessment and accreditation service, and national awards recognising the design and delivery of high-quality green infrastructure going beyond the statutory requirements to deliver more for people and wildlife.
Building with Nature demonstrates best practice in creating places to live with wildlife, wellbeing and water all very much on the public agenda in this time of national crisis and climate and biodiversity emergency.
Tim Bevan, Assistant Director, Building with Nature said:
“Achieving a Building with Nature Design Award for the proposals for Withies Green Phase 2 Land reinforces Mac Mic Group’s commitment to embedding the principles of high-quality green infrastructure (GI) on the project. The assessment of the project proposals, on which the Award is based, highlighted a range of connected GI features that will link with the wider environment and benefit people and wildlife.
“Maintaining this commitment through a Building with Nature approach is key to delivering and securing these benefits for future residents, whilst also remaining sensitive of and positively contributing to the existing community of Keynsham and the local wildlife and habitats.”
The site is centred around a wetland area that has been formed around an existing stream. A network of swales and raingardens drain into the wetland creating blue corridors through the site. Permeable paving and blue/green roofs where possible further slow rainwater runoff.
Residential blocks have been arranged around communal areas with housing for different age groups. A creche and a community hub alongside food growing opportunities, sports pitches, cycle tracks, bus links and access to the countryside will provide an active and healthy place to live.
The masterplan has been designed in conjunction with an ecologist to enable residents to live alongside nature. A network of habitats is proposed to encourage locally distinctive species to flourish. Bird/ bat boxes, bee bricks, hedgehog highways, green/ brown/blue/sedum roofs are all proposed to bring wildlife into the site.
The artist's impression provides an overview of the site illustrating how green the site will be. The housing will have an excellent relationship to green spaces with residents enjoying generous amounts of open space. The school will also have the room to expand into a 2 form entry school with a sports pitch. The pupils will also be able to access the additional sports pitch, nature trails around the wetland and access to the Manor Road Community Woodland.