This page explains the features that have been incorporated into www.macmic.co.uk to provide a level of accessibility for all users.
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0 – Accessibility and Access Key details
1 – Home page
3 – Site map
8 – Privacy policy
9 – Contact page
S – Jump to page content
Internet Explorer 5+ (PC)
Hold down the ALT key, press the number of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER.
Internet Explorer 4 (PC)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number of the access key.
Internet Explorer 5+ (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL key and press the number of the access key.
Internet Explorer 4.5 (Mac)
Access keys are not supported.
Netscape 6 and earlier (PC and Mac)
Access keys are not supported.
Netscape 7 (PC)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number of the access key.
Firefox, Mozilla (PC)
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Firefox, Mozilla (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL key and press the number of the access key.
Safari and Omniweb (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL key and press the number of the access key.
Hold down the Shift key and press Escape, release both keys, then press the number of the access key.
Images on www.macmic.co.uk
Images have alt text where they add to the comprehension of the page. All trivial or decorative images have null Alt text
The Company is not responsible for the content or accessibility of external websites or hyperlinks and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from your use of them or from you clicking on the hyperlinks on this website. .
For information on PDF files and accessibility visit access.adobe.com.
Below you will find links to various browsers to help you tailor your current browser to your needs, access alternative browsers or download add-ons:
Internet Explorer
Information provided by Microsoft on how to change browser settings.
Mozilla Browsers
Information provided on how to change browser settings in Mozilla browsers.
Netscape Navigator
Information on how to change browser settings in Netscape.
Information provided by Opera on how to change browser settings.
JAWS screen reader
Download a free trial copy of the screen reader Jaws.
MAGic screen magnification
Information on screen magnification software.
Screen reader with Braille support