Alan joined the Company in 2004 and is Chairman of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, a trustee of a number of national and international charities and holds a number of other non-executive directorships and advisory appointments.

Alan joined the Company in 2004 and is Chairman of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, a trustee of a number of national and international charities and holds a number of other non-executive directorships and advisory appointments.
Andrew Mickel joined the company in 2000. He was formerly Chairman of Homes for Scotland and Director of a community development project in the East End of Glasgow. He is also a Director of SWG3, a leading arts and music venue in Finnieston, Glasgow.
Craig Ormond was appointed Group Director in August 2023. Craig joined the Homes Board in 2017 and then the Homes England Board in 2019. Craig has 20 years’ experience in managing a UK-wide portfolio of strategic land predominantly for onward sale but also potentially as a pipeline of sites for future development. Craig’s expertise also spans the Private Rental Sector and Mac Mic Group’s commercial operations across the UK.
David Shaw was appointed Group Executive Chairman in September 2023. David became a non-Executive Director of Homes England in 2017 and he joined the Group Board in 2021. A qualified planner, he has over 36 years’ experience of residential development and construction in the private and social house sectors. David currently works with a number of pension funds, advising on residential investment.
Nichola was promoted to the post of Group Finance Director in September 2024. Nichola has been a valuable member of our team for over five years, demonstrating exceptional leadership in her roles as Group Financial Controller and more recently, Company Secretary.
A Chartered Accountant with over 20 years' experience in industry, retail, financial services and private practice, she joined the company in 2019. Nichola is also a member of the board of housing association Westscot Living Limited.
Ross Mickel joined Mactaggart & Mickel in 2006 and the Group Board in 2012. He is a member of the Institute of Directors and the Young Presidents Organisation. Ross is passionate about innovation and sustainable construction.