The founders of our Company had been house builders during Queen Victoria's long reign. They were, however, engaged not just narrowly in construction but were importers of the raw materials required for their business.
By the early 1900s, the Mactaggarts and the Mickels had come together and, with others who would later establish their own shorter-lived building companies, were constructing tenements in the West End of Glasgow.
They had also built in London's Portland Place, but their Glasgow tenements are now locally recognised as the pinnacle of achievement in tenemental construction. Other noteworthy events in the first two decades were the introduction of the Model-T Ford, the invention of the crossword puzzle and Shackleton's journey to the South Pole
The opportunities offered by the government to be involved in a housing boom followed the First World War were not to be missed.
In the four years from 1922, in Glasgow and in Lanarkshire, the Mactaggarts and Mickels in partnership built over 3000 houses for local authorities before registering as a Limited company in 1925 and beginning work on their first contract at Kings Park in Glasgow. In that same year, John Logie Baird made the very first television transmission.
1936 saw the start of building at Hillpark in Edinburgh, which would continue right up to 2014.
In 1943 the Mactaggarts severed their connection with the company and Mactaggart & Mickel became entirely a concern of the Mickel family, remaining so to this day. Other significant events during this period were the invention of the helicopter, the first production of the Volkswagen beetle, and Amelia Earhart’s solo flight across the Atlantic.
In 1953 the company’s 4000th house was built in Silverknowes, Edinburgh, and was handed over to its new owners by the company’s directors in a special ceremony. The late Group Chairman Derek Mickel joined the company in 1960 as a qualified architect.
Among the many developments Derek Mickel designed was Riverside in Polnoon, Eaglesham; a groundbreaking site at the time due to its innovative layout and masterplan, something which continued at our 21st-century Polnoon development which was completed in 2018.
It was a time of great change, as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones took the world by storm, Muhammad Ali reached the height of his career and Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Retired Group Chairman Bruce Mickel joined the company in 1975 as a qualified architect and designed a number of more modernist-style developments in Edinburgh including innovative designs with flat roofs.
Recession presented challenges during the 1970s but the company survived by introducing new initiatives and schemes, including shared equity home purchase. New technology was making its impact in the wider world, as the first mobile phone call was made, Microsoft was founded and Sony debuted the Walkman.
Current CEO Ed Monaghan joined the company in 1981 as an apprentice painter. Construction at Hillpark in Edinburgh was still going strong, with homes built at Hillpark Brae, Hillpark Green and Hillpark Court among others.
In 1988 we took part in Glasgow's Garden Festival, designing the 'Broom Milk Bar' as our contribution. During the Year of Culture in 1990 a number of items from our archive were exhibited at 'Glasgow's Glasgow' and in 1999 we were involved in the “Homes for the Future” project at Glasgow Green. Other significant events were the launch of the world wide web, the opening of the Channel Tunnel, the launch of the Euro and the founding of Ebay.
Fourth-generation family members Andrew Mickel and Ross Mickel joined the company in 2000 and 2005 respectively, making Mactaggart & Mickel one of the 3% of family-owned businesses that survives into the fourth generation.
In 2007 the company acquired a timber frame manufacturing facility and began to develop state-of-the-art new housing products and building techniques, to deliver better-insulated, more energy-efficient and sustainable homes.
During a challenging period for the whole industry, in 2008 Mactaggart & Mickel diversified into a Group of companies, creating new divisions Timber Systems, Contracts and Commercial Property. Then in 2009, the company diversified further with the launch of its Strategic Land division. This approach allowed the company to utilise all its building knowledge, experience and capabilities to take advantage of new types of building opportunity and new income streams, to weather the economic storm.
In 2011 the company joined other developers and contractors as a partner in the City Legacy Consortium, which began work in 2012 on the Athletes' Village for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. The development was subsequently transformed into a new residential community in the Dalmarnock area of the city, and received the Queen's Award for Enterprise in 2017.
2015 was Mactaggart & Mickel’s 90th year in business, which was marked with numerous celebrations throughout the year with employees and stakeholders.
In 2019 we launched our first development of new homes in England, marking a milestone of expansion for the Group.
We strive to maintain our place as an experienced luxury housebuilder with the highest reputation and we have won many awards over the years for design, quality and customer service.
We have achieved a 5 Star Rating for customer service in the HBF's (Home Builders Federation) customer surveys every year since becoming eligible for the Star Rating scheme in 2013, and our Site Managers also have a long record of achievement at the annual NHBC Pride in the Job Awards.
We at Mactaggart & Mickel firmly believe that our innate ability is well founded in our sound experience and achievements in house building which has patently defied economic uncertainty. Indeed the story of Mactaggart & Mickel is a true testament to the unique combination of innovation and tradition, delivered strategically by a financially sound company.
Maintaining tradition, whilst adapting to change
On 22 June 2022, we sold our Scottish housebuilding and timber frame divisions to Springfield Properties Plc in a deal that creates new growth opportunities for both companies and supports our individual delivery ambitions. The deal enables us, as the Mactaggart & Mickel Group "Mac Mic Group", to expand our strategic land ambitions and enhance our private rented property portfolio. It also provides a platform for future partnership activity.
As we adapt, innovate and embrace future opportunities, we look forward with great anticipation to celebrating our 100th year in 2025.